4 Ways To Take Care Of Your Water Well

by Marvin Carroll

When you own a home with a well that supplies your water, it is easy to ignore it until the water coming out of your sink is discolored or tastes bad. To avoid any problems with your water, it is a good idea to check your well and take care of it, so that your water is healthy and safe.

Here are some of the things you can do to take care of your water well, and in turn your water supply:

Examine the Well

One of the most important things to do every year or so is to look at the well itself for signs of damage. Look for signs of rust and corrosion, and look for cracks as well. Make sure there are no holes. Look at the cap of the well and see that it is tightly attached so that nothing can enter the well. Check for any cracks in the cap, which can allow contaminants into the well.

Clear the Area Around the Well

It is important that you keep the ground around your well clear. Avoid using fertilizers and pesticides near the well, and make sure to not leave motor oil, paint or other substances near it. That's because anything that goes into the soil near the well can enter your water supply, making you sick. 

Get Water Tested

The water that comes out of your well is generally untreated as it would be if you got your water from a municipal source, so you need to periodically test your water to ensure that bacteria and other contaminants are not in your water.

It is wise to have these tests conducted by a professional lab, so you know that the results are accurate. If you find that your water is contaminated, take steps to filter and treat the water so it is safe for you to drink.

It is also important that you make sure that the well system itself is clean before testing your water. Your water may be clean, but a dirty well system can cause you to think that the water is the problem. Treating the water will do no good if the well is what needs to be cleaned. Get in touch with a well water professional to clean out the entire well before testing the water.

Now that you know what to do to make sure that the water coming from your well is clean, get in touch with a water well contractor. They can inspect your well to make sure there are no problems, and help you to keep your water safe. To learn more, contact a company like J R Drilling Central Limited Partnership with any questions or concerns you have.
