Why Is Your Roof Leaking?

by Marvin Carroll

If you have dark water spots on your ceiling or walls, have peeling or bubbling wallpaper, or find puddles of water on your floor, you may have a leak in your roof. In most cases, it is just one small spot of your roof leaking, but you might also be experiencing problems with your roofing materials, which requires a more substantial repair job. In the latter, you need to really do some investigating to find the leak. Either way, these tips can help you spot the leak so you can get it repaired.

When to Look For the Leak

If you notice that you have a small puddle of water on the floor of your living room every time it rains, now is the ideal time to look for the leak. Don't wait until the rain is done and you have cleaned up the water to start investigating. The ideal time for finding a leak is as it is occurring, instead of after the fact. Of course, this might not always be possible, but if you know a snowstorm or rain is coming in, get ready to start tracing the leak to its source.

Find the Leak Inside Your Home

Since you probably started noticing signs of a leak while inside your home, this is where you should start looking for it. Don't just go right to the roof and look for the cause, because this can make it difficult to spot. Instead, look around the area where you noticed the leak, looking on the floor, ceiling and walls in that area. See if you notice any type of hole or crack in the ceiling or walls. This also helps you determine that it is in fact from the roof and not from condensation from your HVAC unit or due to plumbing issues.

Measure the Distance

Once you have located the leak's source inside your home, take measurements so that it can be located later. Find two fixed points on either side of the leak, such as a particular wall, chimney or roof vent, and measure the location of the leak to each of these fixed points. By doing so, you can head outside and compare your measurements when you get on the roof.

Head to the Attic

If you have an attic in your home, you will be able to see the leak up close on the interior of your home. Go into the attic and find the two fixed points you used when you were in the room where you noticed the leak. Follow your measurements to the entry point of the water, or where exactly you think the leak is occurring. From the attic, you might find two additional fixed points where you can get new measurements that would make it easier to find it on the outside. For example, you might have found a vent pipe that makes it easy for you to locate the leak on the roof.

Check the Roof

Now that you know approximately where the leak is, you can go outside and onto the roof. Make sure you use a sturdy ladder and practice caution. Do not attempt to go on the roof when it is still wet from the rain or snow. Wait until it dries up before you attempt to go on the roof. Find the fixed points you decided on earlier and use your measurements to find the approximate location of the leak. You should see the crack, hole, or damaged roof shingles around this area.

Now that you know where the leak is, you have more information for the roofing contractor when they come out to make the repairs. If you are looking for a roof contractor in your area, contact Boston Roofing.
